
Pakistan: Denial of Basic Rights for Child Prisoners
23/oct/2003 Publication
Summary: Around 4,500 children are currently...
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The State of Pakistan's Children 2002
5/juin/2003 Publication
Summary: This annual report reviews the...
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Taj Workers Education Institute Society
2/juin/2003 Organisation
to address the problem of industrial labour, agriculture workers, child labour and women labour.TWEIS
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The Subterranean Child Labour Force: Subcontracted Home Based Manufacturing in Asia
12/Mai/2003 Publication
Summary: This paper draws on surveys carried...
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Facts about Runaway Children in North West Frontier Province of Pakistan
9/Mai/2003 Publication
 The percentage of runaway children from homes jumps up to...
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Institut International Des Droits De L'Enfant
8/Mai/2003 Organisation
Child Rights training and information.IDE
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