
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
The World Association of Girl Guides...
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Women's World Summit Foundation
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
WWSF, an international, non-profit, non-confessional empowerment NGO (UN consultative status) serves the implementation of...
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UNESCO Bureau de Dakar
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Education within Africa.
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SOS Children's Villages International
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
SOS-Kinderdorf International is the umbrella organisation for more than 130 associations. SOS Children's Villages provide...
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Save the Children UK - Liberia Office
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Save the Children - LIberia works with children and their families to protect their best interests through child rights...
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Save the Children UK
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Save the Children works to achieve lasting benefits for children within the communities in which they live. By influencing...
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Save the Children Sweden - Regional Office for West Africa
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Main activities include regional...
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Movement for Peace and Reconciliation in Liberia
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
LIMOPAR is a national religious...
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Jubilee Action - UK
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Christian based human rights charity, dedicated to protecting children at risk and persecuted families. Our vision is to...
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International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
ISPCAN is a multidisciplinary international organisation bringing together professionals that work towards prevention and...
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