
EGYPT: 39 Human Rights and Development Organizations Propose Alternative NGO Law (Arabic)
18/nov/2011 News
منظمة حقوقية وتنموية تطرح مشروع قانون بديل للجمعيات والمؤسسات الأهلية...
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EGYPT: Evidence of freedoms being suppressed in Egypt (Arabic)
14/nov/2011 News
المفوضية العليا لحقوق الإنسان تشعر بالقلق حيال تناقص مساحة الحرية في مصر...
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EGYPT: Military ‘virginity test’ investigation a sham
11/nov/2011 News
Summary: Impunity highlights lack of independence of justice system. ...
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EGYPT: 'Virginity tests' decried
11/nov/2011 News
Summary: Female protesters detained by security forces were submitted to virginity tests to prove that they were not...
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EGYPT: Disabled protesters outside cabinet threaten self-immolation (Arabic)
1/nov/2011 News
مظاهرة لأولوف النشطاء احتجاجا على حبس مدون...
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GLOBAL: Children's Rights Wiki
30/sep/2011 News
Summary: CRIN has launched a "Children's Rights Wiki" to bring together all information about children's rights in one...
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