UN report

A World Fit for Children, A/RES/S-27/2C (Chinese version)
26/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: This is the official text, in Chinese, of...
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A World Fit for Children, A/RES/S-27/2A (Arabic version)
26/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: This is the official text, in Arabic, of...
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HIV Voluntary Counselling & Testing: A Gateway to Prevention & Care
12/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: 5 case studies related to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.Owner: UNAIDS
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The UN Review on Swedish Policy on Children
5/Feb/2003 Publication
Summary: This is Save the Children Sweden's...
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Follow-up to the United Nations Special Session On Children
14/Ene/2003 Publication
Summary: This document summarises the...
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Nous les enfants: Honorer les promesses du Sommet mondial pour les enfants
20/Ago/2002 Publication
Summary: Ce rapport historique est signƩ par...
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We the Children: Meeting the Promises of the World Summit for Children
20/Ago/2002 Publication
Summary: This document is a landmark report...
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