x Disability News

Professor Pinheiro Visits Vienna
7/أكتوبر/2005 News
Summary: In Vienna, Prof. Pinheiro met with representatives from the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime to discuss...
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CRINMAIL 711: Special Edition on the Drafting of a Disability Convention (8 September 2005)
7/أكتوبر/2005 News
Summary: Status of the Drafting of the Disability Convention - "A New Human Rights Treaty for People with Disabilities" by...
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Cairo Declaration
12/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: Final declaration issued by the Participants of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Consultation on...
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Les gouvernements doivent se mettre d'accord sur des dispositions fermes en matière de droits humains dans le document final (9 September 2005)
12/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: À quelques jours de l¹ouverture du Sommet mondial 2005, Amnesty International exhorte les gouvernements à régler...
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BRAZIL: ECPAT International welcomes Accor Brazil’s action against child sex tourism (9 September 2005)
9/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: ECPAT International welcomes today’s commitment by Accor Brazil to the Code of Conduct against the sexual...
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BRAZIL: ECPAT 3rd International Assembly (8-10 September 2005)
9/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: The leader of the global UN Study on Violence against Children Prof. Paulo Pinheiro and Brazil’s Secretary for...
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Leaders have last chance to save poor (7 September 2005)
8/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: The latest U.N. Human Development Report warns that world leaders have a last chance to fulfil promises to reduce...
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Draft Article 17 of the Disability Convention on education
8/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: Draft article 17 on educationDraft Article 17EDUCATIONStates Parties recognise the right of all persons with...
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Article 23 of the CRC on children with disabilities
8/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: Text of the CRC article on the rights of children with disabilities.Article 23 1. States Parties recognize that a...
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General Comment 5 on Persons with disabilities
8/سبتمبر/2005 News
Summary: General Comment 5 on Persons with disabilities issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - ...
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