x CRC News

SENEGAL: Réinsertion des Enfants de la Rue: l’ONG "La Lumière" Tente une Expérience (25 Août 2005)
25/أغسطس/2005 News
Summary: Sur une quarantaine d’enfants de la rue en...
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SOUTH ASIA: Regional Convergence of Representatives of Working Children (25-27 August 2005)
24/أغسطس/2005 News
Summary: The Regional gathering of working children...
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PHILIPPINES: Juvenile Justice Bill Gets Quick Senate OK (24 August 2005)
24/أغسطس/2005 News
Summary: The Senate committee on youth, women and...
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CRC 40: Programme of Work (22 August 2005)
22/أغسطس/2005 News
Summary: Programme of work for 40th session of the...
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Presentation byShirley Mabusela at the East and Southern Africa Consultation
26/يوليو/2005 News
Summary: Presentation by Shirley Mabusela, UNESCO...
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Presentation on Corporal Punishment at the East & Southern Africa Consultation
26/يوليو/2005 News
Summary: Presentation by Peter Newell, Joint...
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CRC 40: Fortieth session (12-30 September 2005)
21/يوليو/2005 News
Summary: The Committee will examine reports from...
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DAY OF GENERAL DISCUSSION: Submissions (21 July 2005)
21/يوليو/2005 News
Summary: Documents submitted to the Committee on the...
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INDIA: Youth Consultation on Habitat (9 July 2005)
11/يوليو/2005 News
Summary: India Committee of Youth Organization (ICYO)...
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